Thursday 31 March 2022

Isle Of Seil, Oban, 2018

Another Catch up post, this time a holiday on the Isle of Seil, just south of Oban in Scotland. A fantastic Island for wildlife and scenery without having to drive to far north. A visit to the small Island at the far west of the main Island, called Easedale is a must, accessed by a small 'on call' ferry and with the Island having no cars, then its pick a barrow and push for all your shopping and worldly ggods, the small Museum is good and the Puffin Inn is better. The Island gave veiwings of White Tailed Sea Eagles, Golden Eagles, Otters, Deer and all the usual nesting birdlife.
Maps of the Isle of Seil and Easedale
Views of The Isle of Seil and Ships at Oban (on a day out for the Black Guillemots at the North end of the Town)
Black Guillemots Oban (Awesome)
Common Seals
Local Birdlife around our Accomodation
Easedale and the 'on call ferry'
Sea Eagles, Nests and Young (always distant) but note the size of the Common Gull against the Sea Eagle wing end
Otter on Easedale

Sunday 27 March 2022

Peregrine Falcon (Mating Sequence) 26/03/2022

Lucky enough to catch up with the local Peregrine Falcons, on the Castle Headland, Scarborough early one morning. Also a photograph of the Femail Peregrine Falcon chasing a Wood Pigeon, whihc actually got away, but to be honest, the Peregrine had other things on her mind!!!
Note that all photographs are taken from the public footpath, road and parking spaces, the birds breed regularly in full view of all, no disturbance was caused.